This is an extension of the California Falconers Facebook group. Please come join us on Facebook for the latest news and events focusing on conservation, education and falconry traditions from California.
Peter Stavrianoudakis Looking dapper with his Aplomado Falcon
Daimé With Muddy her Red-Tailed Hawk
Tanya Carlson With her American Kestrel.
Andrea Chen with Aji the Peruvian Harris's Hawk
Chris Kerr With his Harris's Hawk
Nicole Peretta On a snow hunt with her Goshawk
Nathan Norris With his Aplomado Falcon Ricky
Rikki Shackleford With his female Red Tailed Hawk.
Family Falconry Sara, Juliana, Emelia, Simeon, Basil, Bridget (the bird), Gideon, Anna, Aaron, & Patrick Plew
Meredith Zajac's Hackles on rabbit
Shawn Hayes With his Hybrid Falcon.
Marietta Madden With her Red-Tailed Hawk Alex on horseback.
Jesse Padilla With his Red-Tailed Hawk
Mark Maxcy With his Great Horned Owl Amber
Bruce Tim Williams' Red-Tailed Hawk on jackrabbit
David Barrios With his Goshawk.
Aidan Thompson With a mighty Red tailed Hawk!
Tony Suffredini and his African Crowned Eagle.
Kara Norris With a Red-Tailed Hawk Roxy
Jesse Padilla With Cosmos the Great Horned Owl
Peter Stavrianoudakis With his Red-Tailed Hawk and a Jackrabbit
Lance Leong building American Kestrel nest boxes with the Boy Scouts.
Nathan Norris With his daughter Eva enjoying weekends, tacos and unicorns with Honey the Peregrine Falcon.
Katt Schramm With Nox the Dark Morph Red Tailed Hawk.
Chris Kerr With his Harris's Hawk on Pheasant
Eva With her American Kestrel Slinky
James Yu & Jekyll the Harris' Hawk on the clock.
Cat Nelson With her Red tailed Hawk.
Katt Schramm With her Dark Red Tailed Hawk
Meredith Zajac With Marvin the Peregrine Falcon
Cassie McGraw and her Harris' Hawk
Jeanne Todisco With her Red-Tailed hawk Merle
Marietta Madden With her Red-Tailed Hawk Alex
Samantha Bacon with a Red Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk Meet Up Alexandria Yu, Cassie McGraw, Ashley McFarland with their Red-Tailed Hawks.
Andrea Chen With Alfie the Goshawk
Shawn Hayes Doing what he does.
Lisa Selner With two American Kestrels
Jeff Blower with his Harris's Hawk on pheasant
Tony Sufferedini's Lab Boris and Gyr/Peregrine falcon hybrid.
Temeraire Ashley McFarland's Red-Tailed Hawk on cottontail
Summer Ashley McFarland's Harris's Hawk on goose
Jack Johnson With Cupcake and Jeanne.
David Barrios Goshawk!
Veonte Barnes With his Red-Tailed Hawk Chea
Jeff Blower With his young Harris's Hawk on a turkey
Peter Stavrianoudakis With Ares the Aplomado Falcon
Shasta Mark Maxcy's Goshawk on a rabbit.
James Yu with Pearl the Falcon putting in work!
Tony Sufferedini With his Golden Eagle.
Meredith Zajac's Harris's Hawk with one in the bag
Tony Sufferedini's Golden Eagle.
Sphynx Routledge With his Red-Tailed Hawk Elvira
Doug Alton With his Golden Eagle.
Meredith Zajac and Chris Cameron With Hackles the Harris's Hawk
Alexis Murry With her American Kestrel Chi
Clea Tim Williams' Harris's Hawk on a jackrabbit
Cassie Mcgraw & her Red Tailed Hawk.
Wool Growers California falconers gather at Wool Growers for an annual dinner.
California Falconers Strives to Promote

Featured Falconer
Chi Ma
Chi is possibly one of the most influential falconers of this generation. He has encouraged many falconers to push the boundaries and step outside our comfort zones to enhance ourselves, our sport and the wider understanding of the preservation and reverence of birds of prey.