Featured Falconer
Chi Ma
Author: Tim Williams
Since the earliest writings of falconry practitioners have gravitated towards two philosophies on how to practice the sport. One of these philosophies is the preservation of tradition. This group has historically formed groups of falconers who chronicle and safeguard traditional methods so that they last into the subsequent generations. These groups tend to be highly selective of their membership so that their purpose can be pursued with a religious fervor.
The second philosophy is based in experimentation and change. These falconers tend to be marginalized by the groups that follow tradition. They value experimentation and progress over tradition. They are driven by the belief that falconry can always be improved. They believe that it is more important to always be looking forward than to be looking back.
These two groups of falconry philosophy have historically caused frequent contention in every forum where falconers congregate. Every intersection where falconers interact is bound to be plagued by bitter disagreements and bickering.
Every once in a while a falconer comes along that can see the whole picture. Chi is that falconer for our generation and place. He saw that both of these groups by themselves were wrong. It is the tension between these philosophies that pushes the sport of falconry to evolve. The only way that happens is when someone forces these divorced parents to interact. The needle is pushed forwards by small increments every time these two work together for a common goal.
This is why Chi created California Falconers. Based on the principles of conservation, education and tradition Chi created a forum that encourages falconers to interact with respect. Not only has he been successful in connecting the disparate factions of falconry he has encouraged us to reach beyond our tiny group of misfits to other hunters and sportsmen, as well as rehabbers and other conservation groups to do more for falconry than the warring factions could ever achieve through the narrow lens of hunting with birds of prey. He has challenged us to think beyond the next hunt and do a larger good in our every interaction with nature.
Chi is possibly one of the most influential falconers of this generation. He has encouraged many falconers to push the boundaries and step outside our comfort zones to enhance ourselves, our sport and the wider understanding of the preservation and reverence of birds of prey.
Don’t take my word for it, here are some words from a few of the falconers who Chi has influenced and challenged along the way.
“The amount of file searching, appropriate material and vast compilation that he provides and circulates is unparalleled and noteworthy. No matter how much experience someone has or how much they think they know or he knows for that matter, he always provides an unbiased review of information. I like to think of him as an automated search engine for any subject. I have spent a handful of days out trapping merlins, unexpected falcons and hawks, and he always is supportive and enthusiastic while in his company. Godspeed to his recovery and cannot wait to see him again.”
– Chris Kerr
“Chi really promoted the proposal for the expansion of wild take in Ontario. He didn’t have to do that, but he did. He sent articles and submitted a comment as well as encouraged others in California to do the same. All Ontario falconers should be very grateful for this as am I.”
– Lauren Meadows
“Chi was one of the first people I began to talk to about kestrel falconry. He taught me how to make safe equipment and acted as a guide before I found a sponsor. He’s one of the most helpful people I know and goes out of his way to help the newbies and apprentices even when they’re not his own. It’s always enjoyable to see him at meets with his little buddy Walter and as with all falconers talking about what he loves in falconry and birds really makes him shine.”
– Eli Winston
“Chi was the boot that kicked my ass out of Pre apprentice limbo into my falconry journey. Thank you!”
– Tahnee Proudfoot
“I am just getting started and have received so much information and guidance. I absolutely love the sense of humor 💫”
– Sonya Pilcher Herrera
“Chi is always the first one to help answer questions on these falconry blogs.
I remember asking him about his apprenticeship as he was going through his 2nd year at the time it certainly inspired me to continue to seek it out when sadly many at the time tried to discourage me (I’m sure a few of you felt the same way too).
I’m now a 2nd year general licensed in both California and Mississippi.”
– Kai Tan
“When I first joined the CHC and went to my first meet at Lake Ming last October, Chi and Nathan were the first two falconers that I met. I set up my camp and walked over to them and introduced myself as a newcomer to the group and that I was there to meet falconers and learn from them. I had just passed my state test and already had my hunting license squared away. We chit chatted well into the evening and they quickly eased my nerves about meeting strangers and my anxiety about being welcomed. The very next day I followed Chi around and just watched everything he did and asked questions along the way. Pretty early in the day he handed me a small glove, tethered a Perlin to it and said “Here, you can feed my new bird. It needs manning” and he sat me down at a bench with a meal for the bird and walked away LOL. I was amazed that he was so open and instantly involved me even though he’d known me less than 24 hrs. That was my first time doing anything falconry related. (previously only held a Harris’s for a photo op with someone 8 yrs ago. Doesn’t count) Later he helped another apprentice trap a RT. I happened to see him walking back to his campsite with it fresh off the trap and I got to watch him tape the feet, hood it, secure it in a wrap and then he started making gear right there next to it. I learned how to do all that from Chi. He showed me how to make grommetless anklets and find the right size for the birds leg. (I eventually used his technique on my own first bird 6 months later) He showed me all his tools, leather, swivels and other kit items that he carried around for making gear and setting people up with the right equipment. He also gave me names to people to contact for the best perches and hoods. The same day, he made a set of anklets for a screech owl that someone came with. It was a rehab bird and the lady who had it was not a falconer, but brought the bird to the meet to get some help with it. Chi went right to work making gear with his own supplies, for the little owl so the rehabber could handle it safely. Back to that RT that he helped an apprentice catch (he wasn’t Chi’s apprentice). Chi set that apprentice up with that new RT and gear and gave him tips on how to man it for the first few days. A water technique I hadn’t heard of yet, that seemed to work very well for this person’s new bird. 24 hrs after trapping the apprentice was walking around with his new bird, and it was much calmer around humans with Chi’s water trick. Chi even brought a huge amount of food and set up a dinner for a large group of people from the falconry meet to join him for the evening. I was impressed with his charitable personality and humble attitude towards receiving praise and thanks.
The next time I got to see him was 5 months later at another Lake Ming meet. There were many teen apprentices and other kids involved this time around. Kestrels were popular with them and Chi seemed to be really enjoying teaching them about the micro raptors. One teen apprentice had the wrong sized equipment for her kestrel so Chi remade her anklets and swivels with his own equipment, and I sewed some D-rings onto a couple gloves for her and another teen apprentice. I also made a quick lure from some leather I had and a new creance with a smaller sized line for the teens bird. I stayed with Chi for the afternoon while he gave the kids tips while we worked on their gear. There was even 2 separate kestrel escapes and Chi jumped into action both times to help get the birds back to the teen apprentices who’d lost them.
After I finally became a real apprentice in March and got my own bird, Chi would message me and check in on how I was doing, answer my questions and offer tips and advice. He even hooked me up with someone that was getting rid of some bow perches that I was in need of. I’m now on my 2nd bird and he still checks in with me and makes sure I’m happy with the bird and helps me figure things out. I owe a lot of my knowledge to Chi. I still have so much to learn, and he’s been there for me from the beginning. I hope he’s still there for me 20 years from now and into the future.”
– Jennifer Wolcott
“Chi encouraged me to interact and get more involved with other falconers, not my normal MO.”
– David Barrios
““I’m not a fan of people in general, he pushed me out of my shell. I really miss seeing all of his posts on here and his food posts on his personal page. I was struggling with weight management when I had my kestrel. He explained it to me in a way that it just clicked for me. He is always the first one willing to help people on their falconry journey..”
– Sphynx Routledge
“Chi has this nearly mythic ability to find and post relevant falconry information -legal, scientific, whatever- long before an agency releases it. He is respectful, measured, and fair in his assessments. That is a rare and valued trait and it’s what makes him a leader. 💗”
– Linda Chalk
“Chi is a vacuum for information, remembers lots of it, and passes it on. He cares about people and loves getting us together. When you’re unsure about something, the first things out of his mouth are “try it”, “you should” and “why not”. Always encouraging, and always ready to help.”
– Andrea Chen
“Chi is an everlasting light who’s wick is always burning. Chi’s personality ignites a room or conversation in which whomever is there feels his positive energy. The way Chi delivers his knowledge and wisdom is unmatched. Chi’s dedication of passing along the ways of Falconry is an impact felt by all. In the time that he’s not here is when we miss him most because he means that much to us. He was the one who invited me to join California Falconers and helped me spread my wings. Without any knowledge of where to begin he helped me start a luncheon and the right ways to word it so people would show up. From buying equipment to building my mews chi was with me every step of the way and it really did make my day. I had a friend who cared about how I was doing in falconry and I wasn’t even a Falconer yet. Chi helped me start the first art contest to help bring the community together as long as I didn’t fuck it up 😂. When I would have bad days stuck at work in an office I’d talk to Chi about falconry daily and he’d teach me something new every day. Chi is everyone’s sponsor without knowing it because when it comes down to the end. He is such a loving and respectable man that any guidance given by him is a blessing. We miss you Chi and are always praying 🙏”
– Michael Sanches
“Chi Ma the great organizer. My falconry journey was not like most. I always wanted to be a falconer and finally met a friend of a friend who agreed to sponsor me. He became ill and it was hard for him to help me. At the time my sponsor was the only falconer I knew and the world of falconry seemed so small. I joined California Falconers facebook page and attended one of the dinners that Chi often organizes. Chi was the second falconer I ever met and was very welcoming. His first question he asked was if I was into big birds or small birds. At the time I had a redtail and was not interested in small birds. Over time Chi gifted me micro gear and convinced me to give it a try. I trapped a Kestrel and had a blast hunting it. Chi has broadened my falconry horizons and become a great friend.”